Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sex / Deviant / Sexual Deviant / Sex Offender / Minors / Dildos / Sex Toys / Voyeur / Sick F*** / Pedophile / Pervert / Michael A. Haber, Esq. **ARRESTED / **305DUI

Konrad Peters is a sick f***.   It appears that he gets his jollies by watching teenage girls reaction to having dildos thrown in their paths.

Although he was only positively identified by 1 of 4 teenage girl "victims", Konrad is accused of, on 4 separate instances between September 4th and October 8th, 2014, driving by 13 - 15 year old girls and flinging dildos in their paths, and then parking so as to watch their reaction to the discovery.

The first instance occurred on September 4th, 2014 when Konrad drove past 2 teenage girls, slowed, stopped, placed what was then an "unknown object" on the ground, shut the door and drove off, passing the girls.  After inspecting the object and discovering it to be "a giant purple dildo" the girls reported to police that "the man who put it down was sitting there staring at them from his car with his driver window rolled down"

Three more similar instances followed, the last of which was on October 4th, 2014 when the final young teenage girl saw a driver fling a dildo out of his car window.  The girl took a picture of the sex toy with her cell phone and showed it to her father.  Pops was able to detect the car from reviewing his garage security footage and notified the cops.

Having received at 3 previous complaints of the dildo tossing pervert, cops easily identified Konrad and pieced together a photo array for the girls to view.  After one positively identified him they secured a warrant.

Memo to Konrad Peters:  Dude, get a girlfriend... and an age appropriate one at that.  Laverne and Shirley not withstanding, I imagine that Milwaukee is not the boomingest of places - its surely no South Beach - but if you cannot meet an age appropriate girl then take the money that your are spending on dildos and buy a subscription to Match or EHarmony or some other internet dating site.

Also, don't use your car, and your exposed face, to commit crimes in broad daylight.  That's juts plain stupid.  While I  neither recommend nor endorse your doing so, if you insist on parading around town "gifting" toys to folks (sex toys or otherwise) then at least put on a disguise, a Santa suit or something and don't drive your own car.

Assuming that you did not steal them then the only "winner" here is the sex toy emporium, which apparently you are single-handily keeping in business.

You are a sick puppy, and you need help.  I hope that you understand that and are amenable to it, because if you are not, then I;d like you to meet Zeus.....

For more than 23 years Michael A. Haber, P.A. has been providing creative, effective and zealous advocacy and counsel in cases ranging from DUI to drug trafficking and from misdemeanors to first degree murder.  

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt"!

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

1-888-SHARK-8-1, 305-381-8686, 305-798-2220, **ARRESTED, **305DUI, **MIAMIDUI, **MIAMILAW or **HABERLAW.

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1 comment:

Michael A Haber said...

Tyvm for the feedback Sammy.

I hope to be helpful, in my own peculiar way.

Pls share the link and pass on the site. Like @ and Follow @ and Call @ **ARRESTED / **305DUI


Mike Haber

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