Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DUI / Repeat Offender / Jail / Alternative to Incarceration / Sobriety / Alcoholism / Michael A. Haber, Esq. **ARRESTED / **305DUI

Repeat Offender DUI Sobriety / Alternative to Incarceration Program

DUI cases present problems for everyone, but repeat offenders are particularly troublesome.

Many are just jack-wagons, but many are also suffering from addiction, a powerful disease which, for many (usually folks who have no frame of reference), is not a sympathetic malady.

As a lawyer, citizen and parent (not to fail to mention someone who went through a  period of excessive drinking - albeit luckily / fortunately with no run-ins with the law) I am sympathetic to the disease, but I am also relatively intolerant of those who imperil others (especially those who repeatedly / routinely do so) by continuing to drink (or dope) and drive.

Even if only as a practical matter, we cannot simply lock up everyone who repeat offends (my opinion does not extend to folks who cause actual harm by their actions - if you injure of kill someone with multiple DUI's then you're not likely to garner any sympathy from me) and we must seek alternatives.

I like Nebraska's approach (incidentally Washington, Montana, North Dakota - - and South Dakota - - have similar programs), even knowing that it won't work for everyone.  (In fact, unfortunately it will probably only work for a small percentage, but many addicts are salvageable folks who want to get control of their lives, some percentage of them will be motivated enough to do so and the "24/7" program gives those folks that opportunity.)

This is something that the FL Legislature should consider, this and a "safe haven" law (which, as many States have passed, would allow someone who made the mistake of driving when they should not have done so to rethink their act, pull over and cease physically operating - as opposed to being in "actual physical control" - their motor vehicle, without risk of arrest while on the roadside).

When it comes to the subject of drinking and driving, the best advice that you are ever going to hear is:  "Don't do it!  Get a DD (Designated Driver), not a DUI".

Be smart: Don't drink and drive, but, if you do, just say "NO{thing}", don't blow (in FL your 2nd subsequent refusal is a crime) and call me stat at 305-381-8686, 305-798-2220, **ARRESTED, **305DUI, **MIAMIDUI, **MIAMILAW or **HABERLAW.

Michael A. Haber, P.A.: Providing creative criminal defense litigation services primarily in SoFlo since 1991.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt"! 

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

1-888-SHARK-8-1, 305-381-8686, 305-798-2220, **ARRESTED, **305DUI, **MIAMIDUI, **MIAMILAW or **HABERLAW.

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