Monday, October 13, 2014

PTI / PTD / Diversion / Supervision / PO / Probation / Probation Officer / Community Control / Reporting / AVVO / Michael A. Haber, Esq. **ARRESTED / **305DUI

Q:    I went over my schedule with my pti officer. he came to my house at 6am knowing i was not that legal?  I was informed that i would be given a timeframe on when the officer would arrive to verify my residence. he never said it would be 6am.


Michael Adam Haber


Contributor Level 20


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Answered PTI / diversion / probation / community control..... They all work similarly in that you are on their time, not your time. If they want to show up at 6 am or 6 pm or anytime in between then they will. (Incidentally they tend to do things like that until some foundation of trust is established.... this way they tend to quickly weed out the problem supervisees and identify those who can be trusted to be responsible.) So yes, its legal.
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Michael A. Haber, P.A.: Creative, effective and zealous criminal defense advocacy since 1991.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt".

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

1-888-SHARK-8-1, 305-381-8686, 305-798-2220, **ARRESTED, **305DUI, **MIAMIDUI, **MIAMILAW or **HABERLAW.

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