Thursday, March 26, 2015

Former "Real Miami Housewife" Arrested; Cops claim DWLS She claims Cockroaches ~ Call Michael A. Haber, Esq. @ 1-888-SHARK-8-1

Meet Ana Quincoces, a former member of "The Real Housewives of Miami" cast.  That's her below... 

As of Monday, March 24th, 2015 Ana has been initiated as a current member of the "Arrested in the Florida Keys" Club.

Amazing what a little makeup will do isn't it?   Ana blames her Key Largo arrest (for driving with a suspended license) on a cockroach infestation at a friend’s home.  However, in true trashy television style, a 911 call from an earlier incident involving the ex-reality "star" suggests that it may have been unrequited love, and not a throng of Blattaria which her to jail.


Per reports, Ana, who is a 50-year-old lawyer and cookbook author from Coral Gables, was pulled over in her Subaru SUV by a Monroe County sheriff's deputy at mile marker 99 on US 1 at around 3:40 am.  The officer wrote in the incident report that he had stopped Ana because he recognized her from a previous encounter which had taken place just a few hours earlier, where the same officer had respond to a "disturbance call", at which he had confronted Ana and determined that her driver license was suspended.  While the "disturbance" was cleared without arrest the officer formally advised Ana that her license had been suspended as of February 9th, and that "she was not to drive" and then, lo and behold, a few hours later the same deputy stopped Ana outside the Courtyard by Marriot Hotel in Key Largo for driving with knowledge of her license suspension after being explicitly told not to get behind the wheel. 

The would-be reality TV star was taken to the Plantation Key jail on a misdemeanor charge of driving with a suspended license, booked and released on her own recognizance.  The following day Ana spoke to local press ( and explained that she had been staying at a house in Key Largo and discovered that it was crawling with cockroaches.  Claiming desperation to get away from the inspects she got into her car and set out for her Coral Gables home (at 3:30 am).  Ana claimed that she "didn’t realize" that her license was suspended (not withstanding the allegation by her arresting officer that he had personally warned her both of the suspension and not to drive just hours earlier).  Ana chalked the entire incident up to an "administrative glitch" and accused police of being "overzealous".  (Go on Ana... keep yapping, keep speaking to the press and....

According to celebrity blog Gossip Extra, the incident started hours earlier when Ana drove down to Key Largo and barged into her ex-boyfriend’s home searching for his new girlfriend. Per the blog a 911 call was placed by the homeowner and picked up the ensuing shouting match which was occurring between Ana, her former lover and his new flame and which resulted in deputies being dispatched to the scene.  Per the bog Ana was reportedly heard yelling in the background that she came all this way after a night of drinking and had no intention of going anywhere. The man repeatedly tried to convince Quincoces to leave, at one point telling her "I don’t want you here, I’m through with you!"  And, per the blog, the 911 call concluded with the arrival of deputies.  Although Ana's ex declined to press charges against her the responding officer did seize her suspended driver license and ordered her not to drive.

I wasn't there so don’t know what really happened but the cop's story makes infinitely more sense to me than Ana's twisted tale (which reminds me of the classic 1982 "Creepshow" movie scene with the cockroaches (which you can see here), and which seems just as well-founded in reality).  Regardless there are 2 lessons to be learned here:  1)  If your license is suspended then fix it, and do not drive in the interim; and 2) Do not speak about your arrest / pending criminal prosecution with anyone but your criminal defense lawyer.  Ana should have kept her trap shut and let the folk's speculate.  Instead she can expect to have to crawl through the cockroaches as she digs her way out of the hole that she herself dug by foolishly speaking to the press.  I don't know what area of law that she practiced but I'm betting that it wasn't criminal defense.  If you are arrested / accused / charged / prosecuted then please, pretty please, be smarter than Ana Quincoces and...

When it comes to the subject of "Cops, Courts and Constitutions" you should always have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney who is focused on serving your interests.  While we can't stop the cops from arresting you, as your legal counsel Michael A. Haber, PA will ensure that your rights are respected from the moment that representation begins and that any abuses which may have occurred beforehand are remedied.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt"!

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

Cell: 305-798-2220; Office: 305-381-8686; Toll Free: 1-888-SHARK-8-1


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