Meet 22 y/o Brent Prince (below left) and 20 y/o Julien Cadis (below right), a bungling pair of burglars who really need to decide on a new niche.

These two (2) numb-nuts were both on parole for a string of prior residential burglaries (Prince pled guilty to three (3) burglaries in January, 2013 and Cadis pled to the same three (3) plus and additional (2) in February, 2013, yet both were released on parole in 2014) and were under supervision for their burglaries until October, 2017. So what did they do while on parole? Naturally they committed another burglary, and got caught.

These two (2) numb-nuts were both on parole for a string of prior residential burglaries (Prince pled guilty to three (3) burglaries in January, 2013 and Cadis pled to the same three (3) plus and additional (2) in February, 2013, yet both were released on parole in 2014) and were under supervision for their burglaries until October, 2017. So what did they do while on parole? Naturally they committed another burglary, and got caught.
In this case on July 4th, 2015 Cadis borrowed his girlfriend's Jeep Grand Cherokee (she later confirmed that her boyfriend, Cadis, had taken the vehicle out along with Prince for the evening) but he did not return it as it was in police impound (along with it's occupants). The pair took the car to Puccino's Coffee shop in Metairie, New Orleans where they broke in, stole a safe containing $20,000.00 and fled the scene in the Jeep.
Deputy Michael Voltolina from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office was patrolling in Metairie around 5 a.m. Saturday, July 4th, 2015 when he saw the Jeep with no license plate. The Deputy reportedly also noticed a man wearing bright orange gloves in the Jeep's cargo area who was trying to hold the door shut while cradling a safe. As the Deputy attempted to stop the vehicle the driver drove off, so the Deputy gave chase, ultimately pulling them over in the 4800 block of Evangeline -the street where Prince lived. Cadis, the driver, managed to get out of the Jeep and run, but Prince got stuck due to the passenger door's child safety lock which trapped him inside of the vehicle.
Deputy Michael Voltolina from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office was patrolling in Metairie around 5 a.m. Saturday, July 4th, 2015 when he saw the Jeep with no license plate. The Deputy reportedly also noticed a man wearing bright orange gloves in the Jeep's cargo area who was trying to hold the door shut while cradling a safe. As the Deputy attempted to stop the vehicle the driver drove off, so the Deputy gave chase, ultimately pulling them over in the 4800 block of Evangeline -the street where Prince lived. Cadis, the driver, managed to get out of the Jeep and run, but Prince got stuck due to the passenger door's child safety lock which trapped him inside of the vehicle.
The child safety lock which had been activated on the door at an earlier time left Prince unable to exit the Jeep so he was immediately taken into custody. Codis was caught in short order. A search of the Jeep revealed a black bag containing more than $20,000 in cash in a safe along with a receipts from Puccino's Coffee shop in Metaire and a crow bar. As he was cuffed and Mirandized Prince reportedly stated: "Yeah. F--k you pig. I ain't saying s--t without my lawyer" (which, absent the gratuitous profanity, appears to have been the smartest thing that either of these dopes had done since at least early 2013). Still I do not see a MENSA application forthcoming for either of these Genii.
Memo to Prince & Cadis: As with all things in life, Burglary included...
Memo to Prince & Cadis continued: Yet you two (2) genii were...
Memo to Prince (and the Folks): Invoking was smart, but cussing out the cops was not. How you managed to avoid a beat-down (and an attendant charge for resisting, obstruction, battery on a LEO or whatever else the cops could conjure up to both charge you with and to justify the predictable beat-down) is beyond me. I suppose that given the facts of your parole status and the new substantive burglary ultimately it will make no difference as you are almost certainly going to gettlaunched no matter what. Still, it is always better to invoke and say nothing. Antagonizing the guy with the taser, badge and power of the pen (which, in the long run is even more damaging) is not only counter-productive to your long-term goal (of lenient sentencing) but it is also just plan stupid.
Memo to Prince & Cadis: As with all things in life, Burglary included...
Memo to Prince & Cadis continued: Yet you two (2) genii were...
Memo to Prince (and the Folks): Invoking was smart, but cussing out the cops was not. How you managed to avoid a beat-down (and an attendant charge for resisting, obstruction, battery on a LEO or whatever else the cops could conjure up to both charge you with and to justify the predictable beat-down) is beyond me. I suppose that given the facts of your parole status and the new substantive burglary ultimately it will make no difference as you are almost certainly going to gettlaunched no matter what. Still, it is always better to invoke and say nothing. Antagonizing the guy with the taser, badge and power of the pen (which, in the long run is even more damaging) is not only counter-productive to your long-term goal (of lenient sentencing) but it is also just plan stupid.
For more than 23 years Michael A. Haber, P.A. has been providing creative, effective and zealous advocacy and counsel in cases ranging from DUI to drug trafficking and from misdemeanors to first degree murder.
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