Monday, June 26, 2017

30 y/o Female NJ Deputy Sheriff Faces Termination for Failing to Disclose that she Starred as Kinky Dominatrix "Domina NYX Blake" for 4 years prior to being Sworn-in as a Cop ~ Call Michael A. Haber, Esq. @ 1-888-SHARK-8-1

Meet Hudson County, New Jersey Deputy Sheriff, 30 y/o Kristen Hyman.  That's her below...

Now meet kinky dominatrix "Domina Nyx Blake"...

Yup.  Deputy Kristen Hyman and Kinky Dom Domina Nyx Blake are one and the same person.


Apparently Kristen failed to disclose to her employer that she appeared in Dom-Films (the number of which I cannot discern... and believe me, I've tried) shot between 2008 and 2012 and also that she reportedly "sometimes" saw clients privately for money.

The Sheriff's Department reportedly became aware of Kristen's sordid past on May 26, 2017 at which time she was formally accused of committing conduct unbecoming of a public employee and she was suspended without pay (that reportedly happened just 6 days before her graduation ceremony).

Kristen's lawyers reportedly filed a lawsuit alleging that the Department's act in suspending their client prior to a disciplinary hearing was unlawful, and the Court reportedly agreed, rescinding the suspension and permitting Kristen to be sworn into the academy June 8th, 2017.

Meantime, the litigation, and the accusations abound. Kristen claims that she neither ever appeared naked nor did she ever perform any sex acts in any of her videos (and as far as I can tell this is true...). She also reportedly referred  to the videos as "stupid stuff I did when I was a kid".  She said that the violent acts seen in some of her recordings were all staged and that she was merely an actress. 

In an interview with the New York Post Kristen said she doesn't believe she should be judged on her past and that her previous occupation shouldn't determine her capability of performing her new one.  "I'm not embarrassed because I can own up to things I've done in the past... I don't want to be judged on what I did in the past and not who I am now."  Kristen claimed that "the job" wasn't to satisfy a personal fetish, but rather to pay the bills"  "I was struggling financially as an actress [and model].  I had been doing regular catalogs for clothing, small stuff...  The majority of the videos are ridiculously funny... it's super-cheesy stuff. Everything I'm doing is wink-wink."

(Looks more "yank yank" to me... but I digress.)  But the Hudson County Sheriff takes a contrary position, reportedly fearing A) that Kristen "might be inclined toward using excessive force" and B) as an insider reportedly told the New York Post that the Department's "worst nightmare is if she's out there and she's really a dominatrix type and she beats the sh*t out of somebody."

Court documents reportedly show that Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari believes that the Department's disciplinary action "was necessary" to protect the Department's integrity and to prevent Kristen from taking an oath of office 'for which she is not entitled'. 

The Department reportedly offered Kristen a deal whereby she could keep her job if she passed a psychological examination which would determine whether or not she was inclined toward using excessive force, but Kristen reportedly rejected the offer, possibly because it allegedly contained a provision requiring her to sign a waiver precluding a later lawsuit against the Sheriff's Department.

And so a disciplinary hearing is now scheduled for June 27, 2017, after which Kristen will either be permitted to roam the streets of Hudson County with a badge, a gun and under color of law, or she will be sh*t-canned, and perhaps decide to return to her former career.

Now, for you sick puppies... Feel free to check out 20:57 of "The Domina NYX Beatdown" by clicking here, or 5:16 of "Domina NYX Hard Ballbusting" by clicking here, or 8:13 of "Domina NYX Worship" by clicking here, peruse Domina NYX's page by clicking here, take a look at her honor as the "Domi Doll of the Month, June, 2011, by clicking here and finally, please don't forget to read her personal and telling "Domi Dolls" interview by clicking here (wherein she offers such telling relevations as: "I became interested in the scene at a very early age. I’d always had a desire to explore the options available to me outside of a traditional Boyfriend-Girlfriend relationship; as a teenager, I already KNEW I was a Dominant, a Sadist, and a Fetishist: it was only when I started attending fetish events that I realized there was a whole community of other women like myself. I was thrilled! I embraced my kink openly, and loved playing so much that I decided to become a professional Mistress as soon as I came of age. My early years of training and networking with other people in the scene opened my eyes to a whole new world of fetishes I had never even known about- and to this day, some of those things are the most important pieces of my sexual identity."

Memo to the Folks:  I don't Judge people, and I don't care (or want to know) what anyone does in the privacy of their own home.  As far as I am concerned, unless you are abusing a child or an animal, consenting adults can do whatever the hell they want to do to one another.  But, once you let the cat out of the bag by going public with your otherwise private endeavors, well then it does become other people's concern.  And in this case I am gonna side with the Sheriff's Department.  Kristen failed to disclose significant matters of public (not private) interest and that omission, standing alone, should be enough to fire her.  But, above and beyond that, just the pics above, acting, modeling or otherwise, and not including dozens or hundreds of hours of "kinky dom videos", both objectively and reasonably - to my mind anyhow - suggest someone who probably should not have a career in law enforcement.

When it comes to the subject of "Cops, Courts and Constitutions" you should always have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney who is focused on serving your interests.  While we can't stop the cops from arresting you, as your legal counsel Michael A. Haber, PA will ensure that your rights are respected from the moment that representation begins and that any abuses which may have occurred beforehand are remedied.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt"!

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

Cell: 305-798-2220; Office: 305-381-8686; Toll Free: 1-888-SHARK-8-1


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