Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What's the best way to clear up a 2 y/o Warrant in FL if I now reside in MD? ~ Chosen as Best Answer on AVVO ~ Call Michael A. Haber, Esq. @ 1-888-SHARK-8-1

Q:     What is the best way to clear up a two year old vop warrant in Polk County Florida when I now reside in the state of Maryland???  I was arrested in Polk County, FL in 2013 for possession and paraphernalia. First time ever arrested. Was given a choice between diversion or 90 days and charges dropped from felony to misdemeanor paraphernalia. I failed to complete diversion and was then offered 90 days or 1 yr probation. I was illegally searched and seized in 2014 and arrested for vop and controlled substance. Charges were dropped and no billed within 14 days however I was not released. I was lost in jail with no charges, no court date and no release date for 68 days. Thankfully I reached out to a drug program who got me to a judge reinstated my probation and released me. My first mandatory drug meeting my name was called for a random drug screen and I had one hour to urinate in a cup. I simply was unable to urinate. I contacted my PO and she said that by law she had to violate me but she's recommend in patient rehab to help me as I was homeless and needed help to get back on my feet.  I got scared that they'd lose me again in jail and fled to the state of MD. It has since been 2 years. Polk County says that the only way to clear my name me is to go turn myself in in Florida. Please help me

A:  Chosen as "Best Answer" by Asker on


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Best Answer
chosen by asker
Answered You should start by hiring a Polk County lawyer.

In my experience, which has witnessed VOPs come and go for nearly 25 years, State Attorney's and Judges tend look more favorably upon defendant's who appear voluntarily, through the front door, of their own accord and with a criminal defense lawyer at their side, than they tend to do for those fugitives who are brought before them through the back door in handcuffs.

The bottom line with warrants is that they suck; well that and that they oftentimes end up in your untimely and inconvenient incarceration. That said, when it comes to warrants, anyone anywhere who has knowledge of the existence of the warrant has 2 choices: Either they can choose to deal with it proactively, in an offensive manner, or they can choose to deal with it as a stalker, living defensively, day to day, just waiting until it is ultimately served.

In this light warrants can be likened to cancer. If it exists (whether it is a warrant or cancer) then you have a problem. You can either choose to deal with the problem and hope for the best or you can wait for the problem to deal with you in its own natural fashion. In the former event it may or may not work out favorably for you, but, in the case of a warrant, at least the State and the Judge will have to acknowledge that you voluntarily chose to bring the matter to them, an undeniable fact that even an average defense lawyer should be able to use to your advantage during in your case. In the later event however, as with cancer, the longer that you choose to wait (whether paralyzed - figuratively or literally, in denial, self-pity or simply lost in hope and prayer that it'll heal itself / go away) then more time that it (again, a warrant or cancer) will have to metastasize and destroy you later.

My advise: If you know that there is a warrant with your name on it, then deal with it, and deal with it sooner than later. Contact a local criminal defense lawyer. A skilled and experienced litigator will be able to diagnose your situation, tell you if you enjoy a defense to whatever may underlie your warrant, or whether or not there exists a reasonable explanation for your predicament. A criminal defense lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and may even be able to have the warrant quashed. If there is no alternative to being booked then a litigator can make it as painless as possible, arranging a surrender and preparing for foreseeable eventualities.

Without a crystal ball I cannot tell you what will or will not happen in your case, but I will venture a guess that whether right, wrong or indifferent, your warrant is a potential cancer which is likely to prejudice you sometime down your legal pike.

Wishing you luck and hoping that I have been helpful in answering your question.
First, second and third: No attorney-client relationship exists by virtue of any Q&A with Michael A. Haber, Esq. on Avvo. Fourth: Anything that you post on Avvo (or on similar sites) or on any social media is by its nature public. It is essentially an admission / confession and can be introduced into evidence as a statement against your interest in a subsequent legal proceeding. Once posted you lose any reasonable expectation of privacy, so, as this is an open forum (with no privilege attached), please be extra careful when considering what to post online (forewarned is forearmed.)

When it comes to the subject of "Cops, Courts and Constitutions" you should always have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney who is focused on serving your interests.  While we can't stop the cops from arresting you, as your legal counsel Michael A. Haber, PA will ensure that your rights are respected from the moment that representation begins and that any abuses which may have occurred beforehand are remedied.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. "Its all about reasonable doubt"!

Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to speak with you about your case!

Cell: 305-798-2220; Office: 305-381-8686; Toll Free: 1-888-SHARK-8-1


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